Intro to Video Editing, Animation & Videography
Workflow and Panels
IKeyframes and Nesting Keyframes
Audio Editing in Audition and Premiere Pro
Typography in Premiere Pro
Video Editing Special Effects
Colour, Stabilization, Presets
Introduction to After Effects
Transformation of Layers
Keyframes and Null Object
Slide Show with ADJ Layers
Camera and 3D Objects
Audio Spectrum
Tool Effects
Color Isolation
Masking and Filling
Auto Trace Mask
Text Effects
Rotobrush and Exporting
Students of Video Editing, Videography & Animation course has to complete 10 assignments and 2 projects during the course. As a final project every student has to make a show reel to demonstrate his animation, video editing & videography work during the course.
Video Editing, Videography & Animation Certificate by Famefing
3 Month (12 weeks; with 3 training sessions of 1.5 hours a week)